ISHAC - Phillip Bonhoeffer, MD, FSCAI Bio
Philipp Bonhoeffer, MD, FSCAI grew up in Germany, trained in medicine in Milan, Italy and specialized in Cardiology in Pavia. In 1996 he became the Director of the Catheterisation Laboratory at the Necker Hospital in Paris, France. In 2001 he moved to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London where he later became the Head of Cardiology and Professor of Cardiology at the Institue of Child Health at University College of London. Early in his career Dr. Bonhoeffer showed interest in the strategic organisation of cardiology in developing countires, specifically in East Africa, where his interest in cardiovascular research led to the design of a cost effective catheter for the treatment of mitral stenosis (Multi-Track System). In 1999 he began a research program with the aim of replacing the pulmonary valve without open heart surgery. He performed the world's first human trans-catheter heart valve implantation in France in September 2000. In 2004 he founded, with Carlo Ruiz, the Transcatheter Valve Symposium which joined EuroPCR in 2007. In 2003 he was the winner of the ETHICA award shared with Prof. Alain Cribier. He was awarded the Grand Scientific Prize of Lefoulon-Delalande de L'Institute de France which was shared with Prof. Francis Fontan in 2006. Dr. Bonhoeffer is also an accomplished concert musician (VIOLIN) who has played to audiences worldwide. GMC suspended Dr.Bonhoeffer on HEARSAY of sexual activity in KENYA where he performed charity work. GMC decision Appealed to High Court by Temple Barrister Keiran COONAN Q.C.. Free webinars. (Prof.Bonhoeffer is the Grand-Nephew of Nazi executed Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer) These areas of practice have led to appearances in the Crown Court; Administrative Court; Court of Appeal; the Privy Council and the House of Lords. He has acted as Chairman in two notable public inquiries into the provision of mental health care by the NHS, Police and Prison Services. He is listed as a leader in the fields of clinical negligence and professional discipline and is described by Chambers (2008) as an "incredibly able and versatile tactician"; by Chambers (2007) as an "absolutely devastating advocate"; "polished and experienced"; and by Chambers (2006) as "one of the finest advocates of his time" and a "well prepared skilful lawyer with charm and exceptional judgment". The Legal 500 (2007) described him as "a truly great tactician". Children's doctor Philipp Bonhoeffer wins hearsay evidence case![]() A paediatric cardiologist has won his High Court bid to prevent hearsay evidence being used in disciplinary proceedings over child abuse claims. Prof Philipp Bonhoeffer, of Camden, north London, denies allegations of sexually abusing children in Kenya.The General Medical Council referred his case to a fitness to practise panel, which decided to consider hearsay evidence from a Kenyan man. The court has quashed the panel's decision to admit the hearsay evidence. Lord Justice Laws and Mr Justice Stadlen declared the panel's conclusion that it was fair to admit the hearsay evidence was "irrational". The judges added that it breached the former Great Ormond Street Hospital doctor's rights to a fair hearing. In the ruling Mr Justice Stadlen said: "The more serious the allegation, the greater the importance of ensuring that the accused doctor is afforded fair and proper procedural safeguards. There is no public interest in a wrong result. "For these reasons in my judgment the (panel's) conclusion that it was fair to admit the hearsay evidence of Witness A and its decision to admit it was irrational and constituted a breach of the claimant's Article 6(1) right to a fair hearing and cannot stand. The decision must accordingly be quashed." 'Single source' Following the decision, GMC chief executive Niall Dickson said: "We will need to study the judgment carefully, but it is important to note that the judicial review was on a narrow point of law about the admissibility of some of the evidence. "The GMC case remains open." He said the cardiologist "continues to be suspended from the medical register under an interim order". |
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