3) HONG KONG(China)
World-wide medical news for clinical use. Contributions edited by Dr.A.Franklin MBBS(Lond)Dip.Phys.Med (UK) DPH & DIH(Tor.)LMC(C) FLEx(USA) Fellow Med.Soc.London
13 February 2011
[4] Airborne transmission (mice)
Date: 14 Jan 2011
Source: Science Daily [edited]
<http://www.sciencedaily.com/ releases/2011/01/110113213056. htm>
New findings suggest airborne pathogens can induce mad cow disease
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------
Airborne prions are also infectious and can induce mad cow disease or
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disorder, new findings suggest. This is the
surprising conclusion of researchers at the University of Zurich, the
University Hospital Zurich, and the University of Tuebingen. They
recommend precautionary measures for scientific labs, slaughterhouses,
and animal feed plants. The prion is the infectious agent that caused
the epidemic of mad cow disease, also termed bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE), and claimed the life of over 280 000 cows in the
past decades. Transmission of BSE to humans, such as, by ingesting
food derived from BSE-infected cows, causes variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease, which is characterized by a progressive and invariably lethal
break-down of brain cells.
It is known that prions can be transmitted through contaminated
surgical instruments and, more rarely, through blood transfusions. The
consumption of food products made from BSE-infected cows can also
induce the disease that is responsible for the death of almost 300
people. However, prions are not generally considered to be airborne --
in contrast to many viruses including influenza and chicken pox.
Prof Adriano Aguzzi's team of scientists at the universities of
Zurich and Tuebingen and the University Hospital Zurich have now
challenged the notion that airborne prions are innocuous. In a study,
mice were housed in special inhalation chambers and exposed to
aerosols containing prions. Unexpectedly, it was found that inhalation
of prion-tainted aerosols induced disease with frightening efficiency.
Just a single minute of exposure to the aerosols was sufficient to
infect 100 per cent of the mice, according to Prof Aguzzi who
published the findings in the Open-Access-Journal "PLoS Pathogens."
The longer exposure lasted, the shorter the time of incubation in the
recipient mice and the sooner clinical signs of a prion disease
occurred. Prof Aguzzi says the findings are entirely unexpected and
appear to contradict the widely held view that prions are not
airborne. The prions appear to transfer from the airways and colonize
the brain directly because immune system defects -- known to prevent
the passage of prions from the digestive tract to the brain -- did not
prevent infection.
Precautionary measures against prion infections in scientific
laboratories, slaughterhouses, and animal feed plants do not typically
include stringent protection against aerosols. The new findings
suggest that it may be advisable to reconsider regulations in light of
a possible airborne transmission of prions. Prof Aguzzi recommends
precautionary measures to minimize the risk of a prion infection in
humans and animals. He does, however, emphasize that the findings stem
from the production of aerosols in laboratory conditions and that
Creutzfeldt-Jakob patients do not exhale prions.
Haybaeck J, Heikenwalder M, Klevenz B, et al: Aerosols Transmit
Prions to Immunocompetent and Immunodeficient Mice. PLoS Pathog. 2011;
7(1): e1001257. DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat. 1001257;
<http://www.plospathogens.org/ article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371% 2Fjournal.ppat.1001257>
[4] Airborne transmission (mice)
Date: 14 Jan 2011
Source: Science Daily [edited]
New findings suggest airborne pathogens can induce mad cow disease
Airborne prions are also infectious and can induce mad cow disease or
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disorder, new findings suggest. This is the
surprising conclusion of researchers at the University of Zurich, the
University Hospital Zurich, and the University of Tuebingen. They
recommend precautionary measures for scientific labs, slaughterhouses,
and animal feed plants. The prion is the infectious agent that caused
the epidemic of mad cow disease, also termed bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE), and claimed the life of over 280 000 cows in the
past decades. Transmission of BSE to humans, such as, by ingesting
food derived from BSE-infected cows, causes variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease, which is characterized by a progressive and invariably lethal
break-down of brain cells.
It is known that prions can be transmitted through contaminated
surgical instruments and, more rarely, through blood transfusions. The
consumption of food products made from BSE-infected cows can also
induce the disease that is responsible for the death of almost 300
people. However, prions are not generally considered to be airborne --
in contrast to many viruses including influenza and chicken pox.
Prof Adriano Aguzzi's team of scientists at the universities of
Zurich and Tuebingen and the University Hospital Zurich have now
challenged the notion that airborne prions are innocuous. In a study,
mice were housed in special inhalation chambers and exposed to
aerosols containing prions. Unexpectedly, it was found that inhalation
of prion-tainted aerosols induced disease with frightening efficiency.
Just a single minute of exposure to the aerosols was sufficient to
infect 100 per cent of the mice, according to Prof Aguzzi who
published the findings in the Open-Access-Journal "PLoS Pathogens."
The longer exposure lasted, the shorter the time of incubation in the
recipient mice and the sooner clinical signs of a prion disease
occurred. Prof Aguzzi says the findings are entirely unexpected and
appear to contradict the widely held view that prions are not
airborne. The prions appear to transfer from the airways and colonize
the brain directly because immune system defects -- known to prevent
the passage of prions from the digestive tract to the brain -- did not
prevent infection.
Precautionary measures against prion infections in scientific
laboratories, slaughterhouses, and animal feed plants do not typically
include stringent protection against aerosols. The new findings
suggest that it may be advisable to reconsider regulations in light of
a possible airborne transmission of prions. Prof Aguzzi recommends
precautionary measures to minimize the risk of a prion infection in
humans and animals. He does, however, emphasize that the findings stem
from the production of aerosols in laboratory conditions and that
Creutzfeldt-Jakob patients do not exhale prions.
Haybaeck J, Heikenwalder M, Klevenz B, et al: Aerosols Transmit
Prions to Immunocompetent and Immunodeficient Mice. PLoS Pathog. 2011;
7(1): e1001257. DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.
Quebec cholera case confirmed
The first case of cholera in Quebec has been confirmed after the outbreak in Haiti that has killed more than 4,000 people since October, but officials were quick to add there was no chance of "retransmission" of the disease.
A woman suffering from the disease was admitted in early January to Ste. Justine Hospital because of severe diarrhea, the Centre hospitalier de l'Universite de Montreal reported.
Upon hearing that the woman had recently been in Haiti, the emergency room doctor suspected cholera and had her placed in isolation, as is standard with any patient with severe diarrhea. She was given antibiotics and rehydrated, and released after a few days in hospital.
The last recorded case of cholera in Quebec came in 2007.
© Copyright (c) The Regina Leader-Post
Read more:http://www.leaderpost.com/health/Quebec+cholera+case+confirmed/4208401/story.html#ixzz1CwTcapr
12 February, 2011
****************************** ****************
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Tue 3 Feb 2011
Source: BBC News [edited]
<http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ science-environment-12352565>
New mosquito type raises concern
------------------------------ --
Scientists have identified a new type of mosquito. It is a subgroup
of _Anopheles gambiae_, the insect species responsible for most of the
malaria transmission in Africa. Researchers tell Science magazine that
this new mosquito appears to be very susceptible to the parasite that
causes the disease -- which raises concern. The type may have evaded
classification until now because it rests away from human dwellings
where most scientific collections tend to be made.
Dr Michelle Riehle, from the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, and
colleagues made their discovery in Burkina Faso, where they gathered
mosquitoes from ponds and puddles near villages over a period of 4
years. When they examined these insects in the lab, they found many to
be genetically distinct from any _A. gambiae_ insects previously
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Tue 3 Feb 2011
Source: BBC News [edited]
New mosquito type raises concern
Scientists have identified a new type of mosquito. It is a subgroup
of _Anopheles gambiae_, the insect species responsible for most of the
malaria transmission in Africa. Researchers tell Science magazine that
this new mosquito appears to be very susceptible to the parasite that
causes the disease -- which raises concern. The type may have evaded
classification until now because it rests away from human dwellings
where most scientific collections tend to be made.
Dr Michelle Riehle, from the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, and
colleagues made their discovery in Burkina Faso, where they gathered
mosquitoes from ponds and puddles near villages over a period of 4
years. When they examined these insects in the lab, they found many to
be genetically distinct from any _A. gambiae_ insects previously
05 February, 2011
Newly discovered mural of HENRY VIII Strabismus? UK THE SUN

Wall of fame ... mural
03 February, 2011
Quebec cholera case confirmed
The first case of cholera in Quebec has been confirmed after the outbreak in Haiti that has killed more than 4,000 people since October, but officials were quick to add there was no chance of "retransmission" of the disease.
A woman suffering from the disease was admitted in early January to Ste. Justine Hospital because of severe diarrhea, the Centre hospitalier de l'Universite de Montreal reported.
Upon hearing that the woman had recently been in Haiti, the emergency room doctor suspected cholera and had her placed in isolation, as is standard with any patient with severe diarrhea. She was given antibiotics and rehydrated, and released after a few days in hospital.
The last recorded case of cholera in Quebec came in 2007.
© Copyright (c) The Regina Leader-Post
Read more:http://www.leaderpost.com/health/Quebec+cholera+case+confirmed/4208401/story.html#ixzz1CwTcapr
****************************** ****************
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Tue 3 Feb 2011
Source: BBC News [edited]
<http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ science-environment-12352565>
New mosquito type raises concern
------------------------------ --
Scientists have identified a new type of mosquito. It is a subgroup
of _Anopheles gambiae_, the insect species responsible for most of the
malaria transmission in Africa. Researchers tell Science magazine that
this new mosquito appears to be very susceptible to the parasite that
causes the disease -- which raises concern. The type may have evaded
classification until now because it rests away from human dwellings
where most scientific collections tend to be made.
Dr Michelle Riehle, from the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, and
colleagues made their discovery in Burkina Faso, where they gathered
mosquitoes from ponds and puddles near villages over a period of 4
years. When they examined these insects in the lab, they found many to
be genetically distinct from any _A. gambiae_ insects previously
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Tue 3 Feb 2011
Source: BBC News [edited]
New mosquito type raises concern
Scientists have identified a new type of mosquito. It is a subgroup
of _Anopheles gambiae_, the insect species responsible for most of the
malaria transmission in Africa. Researchers tell Science magazine that
this new mosquito appears to be very susceptible to the parasite that
causes the disease -- which raises concern. The type may have evaded
classification until now because it rests away from human dwellings
where most scientific collections tend to be made.
Dr Michelle Riehle, from the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, and
colleagues made their discovery in Burkina Faso, where they gathered
mosquitoes from ponds and puddles near villages over a period of 4
years. When they examined these insects in the lab, they found many to
be genetically distinct from any _A. gambiae_ insects previously
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