07 September 2013


-- Communicated by: ProMED [Ockelbo virus was 1st isolated in 1982 in Sweden. It is antigenically related to Sindbis virus. The disease in humans is characterized by arthritis, rash, and fever, although many infections are asymptomatic. Antibodies to the virus have been found throughout Sweden with highest prevalence in the central part of the country. The virus is transmitted by _Culex_ mosquitoes, with transmission to humans occurring from late July until killing frosts in October. Neutralizing antibodies have been found in 3 orders of birds in Sweden. Passerine birds are infected most frequently and may be amplifying hosts of the virus. - Mod. TY] [More information on the actual numbers of cases and other epidemiologic information on these cases would be greatly appreciated. For a map of Sweden showing the location of Harnosand, see . For a map of Sweden showing the location of Pitea, see . For the HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of Sweden, see . - Mod.MPP]