About ReCell
Developed as an 'off the shelf' kit, ReCell enables a thin split thickness biopsy, taken at the time of the procedure, to be processed into an immediate cell population for delivery onto the surface of the treatment area using a highly efficient, easy-to-use proprietary 'spray-on' application process. Tissue collection, cell segregation and preparation of the cell suspension takes approximately 20-30 minutes in total during which time the treatment area is prepared. Once processed, the cell suspension is available for immediate use and can cover a treatment area up to 80 times the area of the donor biopsy.
ReCell enables the delivery of keratinocytes, melanocytes, fibroblasts and Langerhans cells harvested from the epidermal-dermal junction for application onto a wound surface in order to promote rapid and effective healing.
ReCell has been clinically demonstrated to accelerate healing, minimize scar formation, eliminate tissue rejection and reintroduce pigmentation into hypopigmented areas.
ReCell has been designed for use in a wide variety of wound, plastic, reconstructive, burn and cosmetic procedures including burns and scalds, donor sites, glabrous injuries, mild to moderate scars, hypopigmentation (hypopigmented scars, iatrogenic hypopigmentation and Vitiligo) and in aesthetic rejuvenation procedures.
As the ReCell technology enables cell processing at the site of treatment without the use of specialised laboratory staff, the process is both cost and time efficient.
Advantages include:
· Minimisation of donor site size and depth with concomitant reduction in complications, morbidity and healing time.
· Improved wound healing time and scar quality.
· Repopulation of melanocytes to reduce hypopigmentation.
· On-site processing for immediate application.
· Increased viability through immediate harvest and application.
· Ability to be processed by clinician and not require specialised laboratory staff.