27 April 2011

Ontario government-paid fees fall by 1.25% over 40 years.

GP government fee falls by 1.25% yearly for 40 years

OHIP fee A007 (Intermediate assessment - 2 diagnosis) $33.10

OMA recommended fee $65.90

At start of OHIP in 1970 OHIP fee was equal to OMA recommended fee

In 40 years OHIP fee has fallen by 1.25 % yearly.

OHIP hourly rate $33.10 x 3 = $99.30
PRIVATE $65.90 x 3 = $197.90

A reason why many GPs`are moving into NON-OHIP practice: COSMETIC MEDICINE inc HAIR TRANSPLANT; ORTHOTICS; PSYCHOANALYSIS (psychiatry covered by OHIP);SPORTS MEDICINE; & EYE TESTING 20y-64y(not OHIP covered in Ont. except for Welfare clients and those with established eye disease)