10 December 2012

VANCOUVER : HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp


HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp.

About HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp
Photo from the Movie "The Last Sentinel" using HyperStealth SpecAm Desert Viper Camouflage in this training sequence
First established in March 1999, HyperStealth has developed the world’s first Passive Negative Ion Generator Patent#: CA 2,282,155 International Patent Classification (IPC) H01T 23/00.
The "Passive Negative Ion Generator" is currently being used by a number of Special Forces Teams which have been adapted to their combat gear for performance enhancement without the side effects often associated with drugs or dietary supplements often required for duty and training.
In 2002 Guy Cramer, President/CEO of HyperStealth and the inventor of the Passive Negative Ion Generator, began to develop new military camouflage based on mathematical fractals (feedback loops) taking camouflage into an area of science that had been proposed by the experts but none were able to design.
In 2003 Guy Cramer, was commissioned by King Abdullah II of Jordan to develop a digital camouflage pattern that surpassed current U.S. issued uniforms. The King has approved this KA2 pattern for Jordanian Armed Forces and Police and 390,000 uniforms have since been manufactured for Jordan.
In 2005, HyperStealth Corp., began to manufacture military uniforms with the Cramer's fractal patterns. The company is currently prototyping a uniform with Cramer’s Passive Negative Ion Generator into the manufactured uniforms for Military Forces only. This concept includes notions of improving troop alertness, endurance, balance and reaction time.
In 2009 the Afghanistan National Army (through a U.S. Government contract) began using HyperStealth’s Afghan Forest pattern with 1.1 million uniforms to be issued in this camouflage.
In 2009 Hyperstealth was awarded the solicitation to develop three versions of Urban Patterns for consideration by the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) for CUEPAT (Canadian Urban Environment Pattern), these patterns were completed in early 2010 and formally presented in Ottawa and West Point Military Academy in June 2010.
In March 2010, Hyperstealth completed the CUEPAT (Canadian Urban Pattern) development for the Canadian Forces: Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC).  
Recently Hyperstealth announced “Smartcamo”; an intelligent textile which changes its color to match the background of the wearer in almost all environments. Further application of Smartcamo onto ground vehicles is expected to precede any wide scale uniform program as power and processors are one limiting factor for the individual soldier application. 
Cramer also announced “Quantum Stealth” (Light Bending material) non-powered adaptive camouflage which portrays what is behind the user in-front of the user bending the light around the target. The cost is inexpensive, very lightweight and there are no power requirements.
Cramer has developed over 10,000 patterns which are all under international copyright.
HyperStealth developed the Kingdom of Jordan's advanced KA2 digital pattern, Chile's Fractical Pattern, UAE Destex Pattern, Slovakian Digital Thunder and Cloudcam aircraft patterns, India's O8 pattern, Afghanistan National Army (ANA); Spec4ce Afghan Forest Pattern, Afghanistan Civil Police (ANCOP); Spec4ce Sierra, Special Forces SOPAT and Camopat patterns, W.L. Gore & Associates (Gore-Tex®) Optifade Big Game Open Country, Optifade Big Game Forest and Optifade European Forest, 3M® Consealment Camouflage printed vinyl and numerous other countries camouflage patterns still within trials. 
HyperStealth is referenced in the NATO Programme for Security through Science.
Over 2,000,000 uniforms and 3000+ military vehicles use HyperStealth® Camouflage patterns
"HyperStealth" is a registered Trademark of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp.
"Passive Negative Ion Generator", "Making the Best Better" are trademarks of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp., All Rights Reserved
SpecAm is a trademark of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., All Rights Reserved
This page and information © Copyright 1999-2011, HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp., All Rights Reserved.

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