Saturday, Mar 23 2013
5-Day Forecast
Doctor who groped trainee surgeon while telling her ‘that’s what juniors are for’ during private anatomy session is struck off
- Dr Humayun Iqbal has been struck off for molesting two junior colleagues
- Said to have told trainee surgeon: 'I have to practice for my wife'
- Accused of fondling the breast of a nurse practitioner
- Iqbal, 40, denies misconduct while a registrar at a Newcastle hospital

Dr Humayun Iqbal molested two junior colleagues at a hospital in Newcastle
A senior hospital doctor who groped a trainee surgeon telling her: 'well that’s what juniors are for isn’t it?' was struck off the medical register in disgrace.
Dr Humayun Iqbal, 40, had been conducting a private anatomy lesson when he forced himself upon the woman and attempted to kiss her whilst trying to put his right arm down the inside of her blouse.
When the junior colleague protested and told him to get off, Iqbal replied: 'I have to practice for my wife' and later added: ‘'At the end of your rotation you will be begging for it,’' it was said.
Later after she moved hospitals Iqbal sent the junior surgeon a text saying: 'A good boss is like a bra - always supportive and never lets you down, a bad boss is like pampers - always stuck to your arse.’'
The woman known as Dr B was one of two junior female colleagues molested by Iqbal at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle-upon-Tyne where he was registrar.
The other woman known as Miss A was said to have been 'confused and distressed' by Iqbal groping her breast and fielded an entry in her diary saying: 'awful day. Iqbal.'
At the General Medical Council in Manchester Iqbal of Ponteland, Newcastle denied wrongdoing but was found guilty of misconduct charges by a fitness to practise panel.
Chairman Dr Anthony Morgan told him: 'Whilst the extent of the physical assault was limited, it occurred on each occasion, during a teaching situation with a junior colleague that you both engineered and exploited.
'It was a serious breach of trust, the victim on each occasion being new to the department and considerably junior to you.
'The Panel took full account of your potential talent as a surgeon and it also considered the question of potentially depriving the public of a valuable doctor.
'However in the light of the serious nature and extent of these transgressions, your conduct is fundamentally incompatible with continued medical registration.'
The incident involving Dr B occurred in December 2009 in an empty coffee room after she was invited Dr Iqbal for ‘’further teaching.'
Mr Peter Atherton counsel for the GMC said: 'He asked Dr B about anatomy and when she answered correctly he put his arms around her as if to give her an encouraging hug. It was a small room nobody else was present.

'Totally inappropriate': The General Medical
Council was told at a hearing in Manchester that Iqbal had 'manipulated'
his alleged victims by offering to teach them
'Following that incident her reaction was to object and repute him for what had happened but he started to say totally inappropriate things such as “I have to practice for my wife” and "well that’s what juniors are for isn’t it."
'He also invited her to attend a course with him in Canada. When she made it clear his advances were not welcome he said ‘’at the end of your rotation you will be begging for it'.
'At the end of the shift, she had had an induction meeting and when he saw her emerging from the meeting, he was clearly concerned as to whether she had made any complaints about him, she hadn’t at that early stage.'
Dr B moved on from her surgical training and transferred to another hospital in the North East where she had a much happier experience but in May 2010 she suddenly received the offensive text from Iqbal on her mobile. Dr B is said to be still suffering from shock.
The second victim known as Miss A was a nurse practitioner who had just started training at the same hospital. Iqbal was said to have lured her to a lecture theatre in November 2009 under the pre-text of 'demonstrating relevant anatomy’’ only to cup her breast in his hand.
Miss A told the hearing: 'He was drawing pictures of lungs and different incisions, he touched me on the back first, below my right shoulder blade and moved his hand right around towards the front.
'He moved his hand from the back to the front, my right breast. I was just a bit shocked. I don’t know, he could have drawn it on the diagram. I just moved away and I sat back.
'I just felt very uncomfortable because he touched me. He carried on with the drawings and continued talking about the lungs.
'My heart was racing. I felt like a lump of jelly. I knew I had gone bright red, blushing and he asked me if I had allergies. I knew my face was bright red, he touched my left cheek and I said ‘no’. He was sitting next to me, I didn’t get up, he just continued teaching. I had concerns but I didn’t know how to get out of the situation. I didn’t know what to say to be able to get away.'
'I thought when he touched my face, momentarily I thought ‘is he going to kiss me?
'I said I needed to go and pick my kids up I thought that was a good excuse because I don’t have any children. The whole time I was trying to think of something I could say to get away. I couldn’t organise myself to think of something to say.'
'I had just started working there and I didn’t want to cause any trouble I just wanted to get on with my him. I didn’t have any more teaching and I only saw him on the ward rounds, he made me a bit more nervous.'
Iqbal was reported after Miss A attended an interview with a consultant the following February and confessed her spell at the hospital had been 'unhappy' because of her experience with Iqbal.
In a subsequent trust disciplinary proceedings relating to both women, Iqbal claimed Dr B had made 'profoundly racist' comments towards him.
He claimed he had only taken her to the coffee room to tackle her over a complaint made about her work. His allegations are firmly denied by Dr B.
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