Ice in six out of ten restaurants has more bacteria than water from toilets
- McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Starbucks, Cafe Rouge and Nandos tested
- Ice from branches had higher levels of bacteria in ice than toilet samples
- Experts say it could be down to toilets cleaned more often than ice machines
- Four samples contained enough microbes to be 'hygiene risk'
Ben Ellery
23:05 GMT, 1 June 2013
06:54 GMT, 3 June 2013
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NANDO'S More bacteria in ice than toilets. Tests on ice water at 22C: 2,100 organisms. Toilet water: 1,300 organisms.
BURGER KING More bacteria in ice than toilets. Ice bacteria at 37C: 260 organisms. Toilet water: Within drinking water regulations.
McDONALD'S More bacteria in ice than toilets. Ice bacteria at 22C: 1,400 organisms. Toilet water at 37C: 260 organisms.
KFC More bacteria in ice than toilets. Tests on ice water at 22C: 1,100 organisms. Toilet water: Less than 1.
CAFE ROUGE More bacteria in ice than toilets, but not above laboratory’s hygiene guidelines. Toilet water: Less than 1.
STARBUCKS More bacteria in ice than toilets but within laboratory hygiene guidelines.
PIZZA HUT Bacteria in ice at 22C: 430 organisms. Toilet water exceeded drinking water standards.
PIZZA EXPRESS Bacteria in ice insignificant. Toilet water: 3,200 organisms at 22C, highest in study.
GOURMET BURGER KITCHEN Bacteria in ice insignificant. Toilet water: Within bacteria count guidelines.
WAGAMAMA Ice bacteria at both temperatures less than 10 organisms. Toilet water at 37C: 160 organisms.
All per ML
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