27 October 2014

Phlebologist Dr R.STEMMER (1925-2000)

One of the most respected phlebologist of his time Dr. Robert Stemmer

Born on November 12, 1925 in Strasbourg, France, Dr. Robert Stemmer studied medicine in Clermont-Ferrand and earned his medical degree in Strasbourg in 1950. 
He was a general practitioner until 1960 while progressively moving towards angiology. From then on, he exclusively dedicated his practice to angiology in Strasbourg. In 1962, he became a member of the French Society of Phlebology, and was also member of the French College of Vascular Disease from its foundation in 1966.
He was chairman of the Phlebological Polyclinic of the Surgical Clinic of the University of Strasbourg from 1970 until 1985. Robert Stemmer was especially dedicated to compression therapy and sclerotherapy, but he also spent time on lymphology.
In 1976, he described the so-called ‘Stemmer Sign (588)’, named after him, in VASA. It was not only this sign who made him a world-famous phlebologist, but also his never-ending dedication to phlebology.
His proverbial presence at medical congresses and events in the area of phlebology and lymphology was legendary in the world. With a never fading activity, motivation, creativity and drive powered by his intentions for phlebology, he traveled all over the world. He organized many major congresses and events, including the 10th world congress of the International Union of Phlebology in 1989 in Strasbourg. He also organized top level conferences in angiology. His events, such as the ‘Obersteigener Angiologischen Gespräche’ in Alsace, were always characterized by a family atmosphere. 
Dr. Robert Stemmer had also intensive and personal contacts with phlebologists in Eastern Germany, Czechoslovakia and Russia. His efforts culminated with the agreement from the political authorities in East Berlin to allow the organization of a bilateral phlebology symposium between France and East Germany in Potsdam in 1988.Through his wise and clever negotiations, the participation of an extraordinarily large group of East German phlebologists at the congress of the IUP in 1989 in Strasburg became possible. 
He earned high tributes for his work. In 1996, he received the "Ernst-von-Bergmann-Award" by the German Physician's Chamber. His well-known kindness, commitment and always fun-loving character made him a highly appreciated personality in the world of phlebology. Like no one else, Robert Stemmer became a bridge-builder for international phlebology. He was a member of honor and correspondent member in numerous societies. From 1990 until 1993, he was president of the French Society of Phlebology and became Honorary President in 1994. 
In 1992, he was member of the European Committee of Normalisation of Medical Stockings.In 1998, he became the General Secretary of the IUP. In this function, he had the perspective of the reorganization of the ‘World Union of Phlebology’.
Dr. Robert Stemmer died unexpectedly on June 8, 2000, leaving the following bibliography:
  • Contribution à l'étude des tumeurs inflammatoires non spécifiques du caecum, R. Stemmer, M. A. G. Weiss, 1950 
  • La sclérose des varices, R. Tournay et col., Expansion Scientifique Française, 1972
  • Probleme des geschwollenen Beines, herausgegeben von U. Brunner, A. Bollinger und R. Stemmer, H. Huber, 1973 
  • Probleme phlebologischer Therapie, herausgegeben von U. Brunner, A. Bolliger und R. Stemmer, H. Huber,1973
  • Ein klinisches Zeichen zur Früh- und Differentialdiagnose des Lymphödems, R. Stemmer, VASA 1976, 5:261-262
  • Histopathologie et aspects cliniques de la maladie veineuse 2, Aspects cliniques de la maladie veineuse, R. Stemmer, Laboratoires Martinet, 1982
  • Traitements Mécaniques fonctionnels en phlébologie, G. Bassi, R. Stemmer, Piccin, 1983
  • Compendio di terapia flebologica, G. Bassi, R. Stemmer, Minerva Medica, 1985
  • La sclérose des varices, R. Stemmer, Ganzoni, 1988
  • Phlébologie 89 - Actes du 10e Congrès mondial, Union internationale de Phlébologie, Strasbourg 25-29 septembre 1989, A. Davy, R. Stemmer, John Libbey Eurotext, 1989 
  • Postoperative Kompressionstherapie in der Venenchirurgie, R. Stemmer, Med Welt, 1989, 40:59-60
  • Compression et mobilisation : Stratégies de traitement, R. Stemmer, Ganzoni, 1995
  • Traitement Compressif des Membres Inférieurs, R. Stemmer, H. Partsch, E. Rabe, Editions Phlébologiques Françaises, 1999
Additional literature on Dr. Robert Stemmer:
  • Fischer H., Robert Stemmer zum 60. Geburtstag, Phlebol. U. Proktol., 1986, 15:37
  • Holzegel K., Phlebologie: Entwicklungen, Erkenntnisse, Wahrheiten und Irrtümer. Zu den 20. Angiologischen Gesprächen, Der Deutsche Dermatologe, 2000, 48:102-106
  • Klüken N., Robert Stemmer zum 70. Geburtstag, Phlebologie 1996, 25:46-47
  • Rabe E., Gerlach H., Nachruf auf Dr. med. Robert Stemmer, Vasomed, 2000, 12:125
  • R. Stemmer Geleitwort in: Rabe E. Grundlagen der Phlebologie, 2. Auflage, Viavital, 2000


Wien Med Wochenschr. 1999;149(2-4):85-6.

[Stemmer's sign--possibilities and limits of clinical diagnosis of lymphedema].

[Article in German]


The sign of the thickened cutaneous fold of the second toe is typical for the early and differential diagnosis of a primary ascending lymphedema without false positive findings. It appears in the late stages of the descending lymphedema.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

21 October 2014

WROCLAW.POLAND Olfactory ensheathing cell transplant.by Neurosurgeon PAWEL TABAKOW.

Prof Geoff Raisman, Dr Pawel Tabakow and Darek FidykaPartners in investigate – Prof Geoff Raisman, Dr Pawel Tabakow and Darek Fidyka

20 October 2014


A man completely paralysed from the waist down after his spinal cord was sliced in half in a stabbing attack is able to walk again after undergoing pioneering surgery.
The 38-year-old Bulgarian patient, who suffered his injury in 2010, is believed to be the first person in the world to recover from complete severing of the spinal nerves.
Darek Fidyka can now walk with a frame and has been able to resume an independent life, even to the extent of driving a car. Sensation has returned to his lower limbs.
The pioneering surgery will offer hope to those who have suffered spinal injuries
The pioneering surgery will offer hope to those who have suffered spinal injuries
Surgeons used nerve-supporting cells from Darek's nose to provide pathways along which the broken tissue was able to grow.
Despite success in the laboratory, it is the first time the procedure has been shown to work in a human patient.
Professor Geoffrey Raisman, whose team at University College London's Institute of Neurology discovered the technique, said: "We believe that this procedure is the breakthrough which, as it is further developed, will result in a historic change in the currently hopeless outlook for people disabled by spinal cord injury."
The research, funded by the Nicholls Spinal Injury Foundation (NSIF) and the UK Stem Cell Foundation, is featured in a special Panorama programme on BBC One tonight.
A Polish team led by one of the world's top spinal repair experts, Dr Pawel Tabakow, from Wroclaw Medical University, performed the surgery.
The procedure involved transplanting olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) from the nose to the spinal cord.
OECs assist the repair of damaged nerves that transmit smell messages by opening up pathways for them to the olfactory bulbs in the forebrain.
Re-located to the spinal cord, they appear to enable the ends of severed nerve fibres to grow and join together - something that was previously thought to be impossible.
While some patients with partial spinal injury have made remarkable recoveries, a complete break is generally assumed to be unrepairable.
Prof Raisman said: "The observed wisdom is that the central nervous system cannot regenerate damaged connections. I've never believed that.
"Nerve fibres are trying to regenerate all the time. But there are two problems - crash barriers, which are scars, and a great big hole in the road. In order for the nerve fibres to express that ability they've always had to repair themselves, first the scar has to be opened up, and then you have to provide a channel that will lead them where they need to go."
He stressed that what had been achieved was a leap forward beyond promoting "plasticity" - the re-wiring of remaining connections.
Prof Raisman compared plasticity with motorists finding other routes around a closed section of road.
"Imagine that part of the M1 motorway from London to Edinburgh has been washed away by the River Trent in the Midlands," he said.
"Cars will eventually find their way through the B roads and country roads - that's plasticity. Clearly it's never going to be as efficient as using the motorway. What we're doing is repairing the motorway, and it's the first time this has been achieved.
"What the procedure does is provide a bridge that enables cut nerve fibres to grow across a gap. The cells open up a door on either side of the broken tissue and create a pathway for the nerves to follow."
He said team was convinced that Darek's recovery was due to the procedure, and not spontaneous repair through hidden residual nerve connections.
"The patient is now able to move around the hips and on the left side he's experienced considerable recovery of the leg muscles," said Prof Raisman.
"He can get around with a walker and he's been able to resume much of his original life, including driving a car.
"He's not dancing, but he's absolutely delighted."
The professor added: "If we can raise the funding we hope to see at least three more patients treated in Poland over the next three to five years. The hope is that this will sufficiently convince other neurosurgeons.
"The number of patients who are completely paralysed is enormous. There are millions of them in the world. If we can convince the global neurosurgeon community that this works then it will develop very rapidly indeed."
David Nicholls, founder of NSIF, whose son Daniel was paralysed in a spinal injury accident in 2003, said: "Paralysis is something that most of us don't know very much about, because we are not affected by it. One of the most devastating moments a parent will ever experience is the sight of their son or daughter lying motionless in bed and facing the reality that they may never walk again.
"The scientific information relating to this significant advancement will be made available to other researchers around the world so that together we can fight to finally find a cure for this condition which robs people of their lives."

Univ.College London Prof. GEOFF RAISMAN DM, D.PHIL, FRS

Spinal Cord Repair

Prof. Geoff Raisman
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Geoff Raisman,
University College London
The UK Stem Cell Foundation has supported the work of Professor Raisman and his team at UCL for several years. Recognised as a world leader in his field, Prof. Raisman has pioneered the use of olfactory ensheathing cells to repair damage to the spinal cord. These stem cells are taken from the patient's own upper nasal passages and are used to help regrow nerve fibres in the damaged spinal cord.  An initial study by the team has shown that this procedure is feasible and safe in spinal injured patients. More recently, the team has been searching for the best source of olfactory ensheathing cells in human tissue as millions of stem cells are needed to bridge a gap in the spinal cord. They also are developing prototype nanofibre biomaterials, which will provide the bridge on which transplanted OECs can grow to repair human spinal injuries. The next stage to this project is to raise sufficient funds for a clinical trial.

Prof Geoffrey Raisman
Queen Square London
  • Chair of Neural Regeneration
  • Brain Repair & Rehabilitation
  • Institute of Neurology
  • Faculty of Brain Sciences
Research Summary
Repair of spinal cord and spinal root injuries and protection against glaucoma by transplantation of cultured adult olfactory ensheathing cells.
Academic Background
1974 DM Doctor of Medicine University of Oxford
1965 MB BCh Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery University of Oxford
1964 DPhil Doctor of Philosophy University of Oxford
1964 MA Master of Arts University of Oxford
1960 BA Hons Bachelor of Arts (Honours) University of Oxford

19 October 2014

LANCET HAEMATOLOGY Vol. 1 Issue 1. Light-chain smouldering multiple myeloma.clinical course

The Lancet Haematology, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages e28 - e36, October 2014
This article can be found in the following collection:
Published Online: 22 September 2014

Clinical course of light-chain smouldering multiple myeloma (idiopathic Bence Jones proteinuria): a retrospective cohort study

Prof Robert A Kyle MD a Corresponding AuthorEmail Address, Dirk R Larson MS b, Prof Terry M Therneau PhD b, Prof Angela Dispenzieri MD a, Prof L Joseph Melton MD c, Joanne T Benson BA b, Prof Shaji Kumar MD a, Prof S Vincent Rajkumar MD a



Bence Jones proteinuria is a disorder that is defined by the excretion of monoclonal light-chain protein. About 15—20% of patients with multiple myeloma secrete monoclonal light chains only, without expression of the normal immunoglobulin heavy chain, which constitutes light-chain multiple myeloma. The definition, prevalence, and progression of these premalignant phases of light-chain multiple myeloma have not been fully characterised. We aimed to identify a subset of patients with idiopathic Bence Jones proteinuria who had a high risk of progression to light-chain multiple myeloma analogous to that seen in patients with smouldering multiple myeloma.


In this retrospective cohort study, we studied all patients seen at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN, USA) within 30 days of diagnosis of idiopathic Bence Jones proteinuria between Jan 1, 1960, and June 30, 2004. Inclusion criteria were monoclonal light chain in the urine (≥0·2 g/24 h), absence of intact monoclonal immunoglobulin (M protein) in the serum, and no evidence of multiple myeloma, light-chain amyloidosis, or other related plasma-cell proliferative disorders. The primary endpoint was progression to symptomatic multiple myeloma or light-chain amyloidosis. We examined the cumulative probability of progression and the association of potential risk factors on progression rates to identify patients with a high risk of progression to multiple myeloma or light-chain amyloidosis.


We identified 101 patients with idiopathic Bence Jones proteinuria. During 901 total person-years of follow-up, 27 (27%) patients developed multiple myeloma and seven (7%) developed light-chain amyloidosis. The major risk factors for progression were amount of urinary excretion of M protein per 24 h, proportion of bone marrow plasma cells, presence of a markedly abnormal free-light-chain ratio (<0 or="">100), and reduction of all three uninvolved immunoglobulins. Based on the risk of progression, monoclonal light-chain excretion of 0·5 g/24 h or greater or at least 10% bone marrow plasma cells, or both, in the absence of end-organ damage was used to define light-chain smouldering multiple myeloma. The cumulative probability of progression to active multiple myeloma or light-chain amyloidosis in patients with light-chain smouldering multiple myeloma was 27·8% (95% CI 14·2—39·2) at 5 years, 44·6% (27·9—57·4) at 10 years, and 56·5% (36·3—70·2) at 15 years.


Light-chain smouldering multiple myeloma as defined in this study is associated with a high risk of progression to symptomatic light-chain multiple myeloma, and this subset of patients needs careful observation and could benefit from clinical trials of early intervention.


Jabbs Foundation (Birmingham, UK), US National Cancer Institute, and Henry J Predolin Foundation (Madison, WI, USA).

GLOBE & MAIL:: New Director Can PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY Dr. GREGORY WILLIAM TAYLOR MD(Dalhousie,Nova Scotia 1983) FRCPC(Comm.Med.1995)

Dr.Taylor was Deputy Director for two years. Practiced as a GP in Ontario before studying for Community Medicine specialist Fellowship.

16 October 2014

UK DAILY MAIL: 65 out of 162 NHS hospital trusts "inadequate" or "requires improvement"

Four out of ten hospitals 'unsafe': Damning report exposes catalogue of neglect and inadequate treatment

  • A&E and maternity of special concern, said the Care Quality Commission
  • 65 out of 162 NHS hospital trusts 'inadequate' or 'requires improvement'
  • Staff shortages a major factor as the elderly are neglected and left to fall
  • Findings come two years after overhaul triggered by Mid Staffs inquiry 
Damning: The CQC said patients are being given the wrong drugs and picking up serious infections
Damning: The CQC said patients are being given the wrong drugs and picking up serious infections
Four in ten hospitals are unsafe, a damning report reveals today.
Patients are being given the wrong drugs and picking up serious infections while shortages of staff mean the elderly are neglected and suffering falls, says the care watchdog.
A&E units and maternity wards are particular causes of concern, according to the Care Quality Commission.
In one shocking case, casualty patients were left for hours on trolleys in a temporary building to await treatment.
‘Far too many hospitals were inadequate on safety,’ declared CQC chief David Behan.
The findings are contained in an annual report into NHS standards which also covers care homes and GP surgeries.
‘The public is being failed by the numerous hospitals, care homes and GP practices that are unable to meet the standards that their peers achieve and exceed,’ warns the report.
The CQC has inspected 82 out of all 162 NHS hospital trusts. It found 65 were either ‘inadequate’ or ‘requires improvement’ in terms of safety.
This means four in five of those inspected were unsafe. The watchdog says this isn’t representative of all hospitals because it inspected those expected to be failing first.
However, it still means 41 per cent of all trusts – four in ten – have already been found inadequate in terms of safety – and the watchdog is only halfway through its inspections.
The findings come less than two years after a major overhaul of hospital standards that followed the Mid Staffordshire scandal, in which hundreds died due to neglect.
Trusts were urged to hire extra staff, carry out hourly checks of patients and take extra measures to prevent mistakes with drugs and in surgery. But the CQC found that many hospitals were severely short of nurses at night, meaning frail patients are more likely to fall when they try to go to the toilet.
Inspectors also found cases of staff forgetting to give medication or giving it to the wrong patient after notes became mixed up.

15 October 2014

BBC WORLD SERVICE: TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI ( CHAGAS' DISEASE) found in thousands of Bolivian workers in SPAIN

Brazilian Physician C R J CHAGAS (1879-1934) described life cycle TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI

Transmitted through placenta.

Treatment program in Spain.

Carlos Justiniano Ribeiro Chagas was born on July 9, 1879, in the town of Oliveira, Brazil, of farmers whose descendents came to Brazil in the seventeenth century. Prior to his father's death when Carlos was four, his upper-class parents owned a small coffee plantation. Carlos resisted his mother's persuasion for him the become an mining engineer and instead chose medical school, being swayed by a physician uncle who convinced him that for Brazil to develop Dr. Carlos Chagas industrially it was necessary to rid the country of endemic diseases. Many European ships refused to dock in Brazilian ports because of the risk of contracting yellow fever, smallpox, bubonic plague, and syphilis.

08 October 2014

COPENHAGEN: European Sperm bank screening

Donor Screening

Initially the donors are selected by the Nordic Cryobank staff, based on a number of parameters:

  • Sperm Quality
  • Age
  • Personality
  • Education
  • 3-4 Generation Family Health History

Further screening includes blood and urine analysis:

  • Chemistry Panel
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Urinalysis
  • ABO-Rh Blood typing
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
  • Hepatitis B Core Antibody
  • Hepatitis C Viral Antibody
  • Syphilis (RPR)
  • CMV IgG/IgM
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrheae

The genetic testing we do includes the following:

  • 3-4 generation family medical history, which is reviewed by a trained genetic specialist or a medical doctor (all donors)
  • Cystic Fibrosis screening for 32-86 mutations in the Cystic Fibrosis gene (all Caucasian donors)
  • Chromosome analysis (all donors)
  • Thalassemia (all donors). An HPLC analysis is done to detect this indirectly. Please contact us if you would like to have your donor genetically screened for carrier status. Less than 1 in 1000 are carriers for this disease in Northern Europe.
  • Tay-Sachs disease (donors with Ashkenazi Jewish or French Canadian ancestry)
  • Canavan disease disease (donors with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry)
  • Familial Dysautonomia (donors with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry)
  • Fanconi Anemia type C (donors with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry)
  • Gaucher disease (donors with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry)
  • Niemann-Pick type A disease (donors with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry)
  • Sickle Cell Disease (donors with African ancestry are genetically screened). For all donors an HPLC analysis is done to detect this indirectly.
  • Canavan disease (donors with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry)

It is impossible to rule out genetic disease with 100% certainty since it is not possible to test for all inheritable diseases.


The New Vikings

Listen in pop-out player In recent years, sperm has been shipped out of Denmark at an astonishing rate, producing thousands of babies worldwide - many in the UK. In 2006, the UK was not importing any Danish sperm, but by 2010 Denmark was supplying around a third of our total imports. Why are Danish donors in such demand? Is it simply a desire for the tall, blonde, blue-eyed, well-educated stereotype - or is there more to it?
Kate Brian, who has reported on fertility issues for two decades, hears from women who have been attracted by the range and availability of Danish donors. Some have been overwhelmed by the vast amount of detail that can be accessed online – typically, thirty pages about each individual, including voice samples and baby photos.
She investigates whether there is a problem with the UK's own system of recruiting and supplying donor sperm. One couple looked to Denmark after being told there was a 10-year wait in their area for a suitable donor. How common is this? Has the 2005 law change removing UK donors' rights to anonymity made a difference?
Kate also travels to Copenhagen to meet some of the 250 men who regularly donate at European Sperm Bank, receiving around £30 per visit. How rigorous is the selection process for becoming a donor? Is the incentive merely financial? And how do the men feel about producing potentially hundreds of children, many of which may contact them in years to come?

(COMMENT: Program included fact that Danish "European Sperm Bank " permits 3 a week.  BBC reported that Govt. NHS finds fertility clinics too expensive. Also new UK Law that allows children over 18y to find name of donor inhibits men to donate.).

05 October 2014


Review article: Medical intelligence | Published 2 October 2014, doi:10.4414/smw.2014.14010
Cite this as: Swiss Med Wkly. 2014;144:w14010

Viral myocarditis

Uwe Kühl, Heinz-Peter Schultheiss
Medizinische Klinik für Kardiologie und Pulmologie , Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Germany


The term myocarditis describes inflammatory disorders of the heart muscle of varied infectious and non-infectious origins. It can be caused by any kind of infection, drugs, toxic substances, or be associated with autoimmune conditions. Viruses are the main causes at least in developed countries. Acute myocarditis most commonly results from an external inflammatory trigger inducing the host immune response, which may range from minimally transient response to fulminant overwhelming cellular infiltration. If the immune system does not eliminate the infectious pathogen early on, chronic infection develops with or without accompanying inflammation. Post-infectious autoimmunity may persist despite effective virus clearance.
Since the pathological conditions take place at the cellular level, viral myocarditis and postinfectious autoimmunity can be suggested but not diagnosed clinically. All clinical methods including imaging techniques are misleading if infectious agents are involved. Accurate diagnosis demands simultaneous histologic, immunohistochemical and molecular biological workup of the tissue. If the primary infectious or immune-mediated causes of the disease are carefully defined by clinical and biopsy based tools, specific antiviral treatment options in addition to basic symptomatic therapy are available under certain conditions. These may allow a tailored cause-specific treatment that improves symptoms and prognosis of patients with acute and chronic disease.
Key words: myocarditis; virus; viral cardiomyopathy; heart failure; endothelial infection

Clinical presentation and diagnosis

In acute disease, sudden onset of chest pain, dyspnoea, congestive heart failure with normal or enlarged ventricular chambers, ventricular arrhythmias and abnormal ST-T segments changes in the presence of elevated cardiac enzymes (CK/CKMB or TnT) are highly suspicious for an acute viral myocarditis, if other acute cardiac diseases with similar clinical presentation have been excluded. Without angiography accompanying acute viral myocarditis cannot be clinically distinguished from an acute coronary syndrome.
In the subacute and chronic phase after two to four weeks most clinical characteristics suggestive of acute myocarditis have been resolved. Patients present with uncharacteristic complaints such as persisting angina, dyspnoea, fatigue, reduced physical ability, or arrhythmias in the presence of a preserved or impaired systolic or diastolic ventricular function, or with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. A virus-specific phenotype of myocarditis or inflammatory cardiomyopathy does not exist. The majority of non-acute viral infections are asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic and therefore, such infections are frequently not recognised prematurely as a possible cause of a delayed onset of heart disease. The clinical diagnostic challenge becomes even more complicated by the complex virus profiles of the myocardium with a number of distinct virus species and virus subtypes, different virus loads, or reactivated pathogens, all of which may be present in the presence or absence of inflammatory processes.
Since the pathological conditions in viral myocarditis take place at the cellular level, tissue analysis (endomyocardial biopsy) and not clinical tests are necessary to elucidate the true nature of the underlying acquired disease. Despite well-known limitations giving rise to false-negative results (sampling error) if only low numbers (<8 a="" allow="" and="" are="" biopsy="" by="" cell="" complemented="" currently="" diagnosis="" diagnostic="" endomyocardial="" establishing="" for="" gold="" histology="" href="http://www.smw.ch/content/smw-2014-14010/#REF01" identification="" if="" immunohistochemical="" inflammatory="" is="" methods="" of="" particularly="" procedure="" quantification="" safe="" samples="" sensitive="" standard="" subtypes="" taken="" the="" unequivocally="" which="">1
For the molecular biological virus analysis, at least three to four biopsy specimens should be analysed for DNA and RNA viruses, respectively, both in acute myocarditis and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. With these biopsy numbers, the frequency of detectable viruses in right and left ventricular biopsies are not significantly different in chronic disease. In the acute stage of myocarditis with a history of less than two months, sampling error may become a concern due to focal infection but respective data for molecular analyses are still lacking.
Since immunosuppression may impair the outcome of virus-associated inflammatory cardiomyopathy, biopsies of all patients should undergo molecular analysis in addition to histological and immunohistochemical evaluations in order to allow optimal patient management [5, 6].
Early biopsy is recommended in clinically suspected acute disease in order to tailor personalised management of patients. Due to the lack of prognostic information, this also holds true for subacute myocarditis with its often uncharacteristic complaints and all patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy at first presentation or in cases of unexplained progression of heart failure. Since an incomplete diagnostic does not allow a safe specific treatment (see below), a complete diagnostic workup including molecular, histological and immunohistochemical analysis is mandatory.
Modern molecular virus diagnostics are not restricted to the solely PCR proof of viral RNA or DNA but also include quantification of the viral loads and of molecular markers of virus reactivation. Sequencing; furthermore confirms the involved virus subtypes (table 1) [7]. No other clinical diagnostic tool can recognise and quantify loads and types of different viruses or non-viral infectious pathogens, elucidate and quantify inflammatory cell subtypes, detect minor myocardial necroses, newly developing fibrosis, or circumscribed early scar formation characteristic of active infectious or postinfectious disease. Of note, neither a positive virus serology nor a positive virus-PCR in the peripheral blood can prove any organ involvement in acute or chronic disease and virus copy numbers in myocardial biopsies may be overestimated in the presence of high systemic virus loads by contamination with virus infected blood cells (e.g., in chronic HCV infection). Blood diagnostics may, however, allow the discrimination of an acute viral infection from endogeneous B19V or HHV6 reactivation, especially in cases with high virus loads as occasionally detected in patients with HHV6 and ciHHV6 reactivation.
The histological, immunohistological and molecular biological information are prerequisites to establish an accurate diagnosis of viral myocarditis and successful management of patients. They cannot be substituted by any non-invasive clinical analysis. Although imaging techniques including MRI can provide noninvasive tissue characterisation and may localise larger inflammatory infiltrates they are misleading if infectious agents are involved, since they neither detect nor quantify different virus types and loads or inflammatory cell numbers nor differentiate between cell subtypes of the immune response. On the other hand, MRI can provide prognostic information on outcome. If extended fibroses and scars have developed early, full recovery is less likely than in patients with an inconspicuous MRI.
Table 1: Frequent viruses causing infectious and post-infectious myocarditis.
Viral (most common)
     Picornavirus (coxsackie A/B, echo)
     Adenovirus (A1, 2, 3, 5)
     Erythrovirus (Parvovirus B19, B19V)
     Herpes virus (HSV 1, 2 ,6A/B, ciHHV6 A,B, EBV)
     Influenza (1, 2)
     Human immunodeficiency virus
     Mixed infections
Autoimmune activation
     Post-infectious immunity/autoimmunity

The causes

Infectious agents are the major causes of myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy (DCMI) in acquired “idiopathic” diseases of the heart muscle [4, 8, 9]. Although virtually any microbial agent can cause myocardial inflammation and dysfunction, non-viral infections are rare in these conditions, at least in western countries. Viral forms are considered the most common cause of acquired inflammatory cardiomyopathies nowadays [4, 10].
For decades coxsackieviruses [11, 12] and, to a lesser extent adenoviruses [12, 13], are well established in paediatric and adult myocarditis and chronic heart muscle disease (table 1). Furthermore, distinct genotypes of erythroviruses including parvovirus B19 (B19V), human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV6A/B and ciHHV6), human immune deficiency virus (HIV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex type 2 virus and hepatitis C virus, among many others have been identified with varying degrees of frequency in cardiac tissues.
In a comprehensive study by Bowles et al., nested PCR amplified a viral product in 40% of samples of 773 mostly younger American patients under 18 years of age with clinically suspected myocarditis (n = 624) or DCM (n = 149), with adenoviruses and enteroviruses predominating in the PCR analysis and only one percent was tested positive for parvovirus [13]. The frequency of myocardial virus species, however, changes with geographical differences and over time. In different European studies, viral genomes have been documented in 30% to 73% of EMB of patients with left ventricular dysfunction and a similar epidemiological shift with more frequent detection of B19V has recently been reported from the US [1417].
Generally, erythrovirus and herpes virus genomes are detected much more frequently than the other viral species. Regarding such high numbers, it has to be kept in mind that in contrast to “classical” acquired enterovirus and adenovirus infections, erythroviruses and herpesviruses comprise life-long persistence after childhood infection [18, 19]. Particularly in adults, their detection in different tissues normally does not represent recently acquired but rather latent infections. Symptomatic diseases associated with such viruses are generally caused by reactivation of those lifelong persisting pathogens (see below) [4, 6].

Epidemiology and pathogenesis of viral myocarditis

Figure 1
Figure 1
Histological, immunohistochemical and molecular biological findings at distinct phases of viral myocarditis.
The overall incidence of myocardial involvement in any viral infections is estimated at 3–6% [20]. The actual incidence of virus induced myocarditis or cardiomyopathy is less well established. The majority of viral infections is asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic and due to the infrequent use of biopsy based diagnoses, such infections are frequently not recognised as possible causes of acute or delayed onset heart failure. As far as human viral myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy are concerned, the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms are unknown for most of the infectious agents. A limited conception is available for enteroviruses and, to some extent, for erythroviruses and herpesviruses.
Newly acquired viral myocarditis develops with three pathologically distinct phases (fig. 1 and 2) [9, 21]. The early phase of viral myocarditis is initiated by an infection of the cardiac myocytes, fibroblasts, or endothelial cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis [4, 2224]. The resulting kind and extent of myocardial compromise and hence the prognosis of the disease depends on the nature of the offending infectious agent, the affected cardiac structures, and the degree of irreversible myocardial lesions caused by cytolytic viruses.
The activation of antigen-specific cell-mediated immunity initiates the second phase of virus clearance [25, 26]. Because virus-infected cells are destroyed by immune effector cells of the emerging cellular antiviral inflammatory response, virus clearance will occur at the expense of further loss of infected myocytes. The ensuing myocardial damage depends on the scale of the cellular virus infection and increases with growing virus dispersion which, in addition to the early virus- and immune-mediated injury of phase 1, contributes to tissue remodelling and progression of the disease. Hence, the resolving tissue infection occurs at the expense of a partial destruction of myocardial tissue that is not capable of regeneration.
In patients with a regularly controlled immune system the cellular inflammatory process fades away within the following weeks or months after successful elimination or substantial reduction of the infectious pathogen and thus prevents ongoing tissue damage by an extended immune response. Whether resolving inflammation contributes to myocardial injury and whether tissue alteration could be avoided by a more rapid decline of inflammation, e.g., supported by an early immunosuppressive treatment, is currently unknown. The mildly improved outcome reported for early immunosuppressive treatment in active myocarditis, however, would suppose such an assumption [27].
Chronic immune stimulation or autoimmunity in chronic viral myocarditis results from incompletely cleared virus infection or in response to the preceded virus- or immune-mediated chronic tissue damage, respectively. Both the ongoing antigenic trigger from continuously synthesised viral proteins and the release of intracellular proteins from necrotic or apoptotic myocardial cells may stimulate chronic inflammation which initially damages some individual cells but ultimately can affect the whole myocardium [2830].
In the third remodelling phase, the virus infection has been cleared completely and antiviral immune responses have been resolved. Nevertheless, the extent of the initially caused tissue damage determines the further clinical course of the disease. Biopsy-based diagnostics started so late can no longer elucidate the initial causes of the disease and will postulate an “idiopathic” disease. In those cases, a post-infectious or postmyocarditis disease can only be suspected but no longer proven by any diagnostic procedure. The clinical picture is consistent with an often irreversible dilated cardiomyopathy which develops in about 25% to 30% of concerned patients with biopsy proven myocarditis [31, 32].
Table 2: Biopsy-based specific treatment options in patients with virus associated myocarditis.
Clinical diagnosis Virus PCR (myocardium) Histology/IHS Anti-viral treatment Immuno-suppression Comments
Acute myocarditis Any virus inflammation No No Optimal heart failure medication (HFM)
Chronic inflammation EV, ADV IFN-β No HFM, 8x106 IU IFN-β sc for 6 months [45, 47]
Latent B19V No Yes HFM, no specific antiviral treatment
Immunosuppression possible (see below), if acute infection has been excluded clinically and serologically
Reactivated B19V IN-β ± HFM+ 8x106 IU IFN-β sc for 6 months [6, 48]
HHV6A/B No No Immunosuppression possible (see below), if acute infection has been excluded clinically and serologically
ciHHV6A/B Valganciclovir No HFM, 900–1800 mg valganciclovir [19]
Other viruses No No HFM, no specific recommendations
Chronic virus persistence EV, ADV no inflammation IFN-β No HFM, 8x106 IU IFN-β for 6 months [45, 47]
Latent B19V No No HFM, no specific antiviral treatment
Reactivated B19V IN-β No HFM+ 8x106 IU IFN-β sc for 6 months [6, 48]
HHV6A/B No No Often spontaneous improvement
ciHHV6A/B Valganciclovir No HFM, 900–1800 mg valganciclovir [6]
Other viruses No No HFM, no specific recommendations
Post-infectious immunity No virus inflammation No Yes Prednisolon 1 mg/kg bw + azathioprin 100 mg, daily. The steroid is tapered every 2 weeks by 10 mg. Maintainance dose 10 mg/day, treatment for 3–10 months [6]

Frequent infectious causes of viral myocarditis

Figure 2
Figure 2
Three phase model of cardiovascular infection: A genetic predisposition is supposed (?) for some viruses but currently not proven. During the viral phase, infected cardiomyocytes become injured and the virus may persist due to an inadequate immune response. A regularly mounted immune response (phase 2) eliminates the viral infection and may further damage the myocardium if it declines improperly. Post-infectious, post-inflammatory immunity and preceding myocardial damage may stimulate ongoing tissue remodelling (phase 3) which affects cardiac function in the long run despite clearance of the initial causes.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Clinical impact of viruses on the myocardium. Distinct cardiac dysfunctions are caused by the different cell tropisms of frequent cardiotropic viruses and post-infectious (auto)immunity. Optimal heart failure treatment according to guidelines have to be administered to all patients. The mode of treatment of persisting cardiac infections is virus type specific. Reliable treatment data for acute cardiac infections do not exist. Proposed treatment strategies differ from the management of acute systemic viral infections. Post-infectious autoimmunity is treated by immunosuppression.
Newly acquired infections
Enteroviruses and adenoviruses are established causes of acute myocarditis but are also detected in chronic heart failure presenting as DCM [12, 14, 33]. Both viruses infect cardiomyocytes in animal models and human disease after binding to the coxsackie-adenoviral receptor (CAR) and the decay accelerating factor (DAF, CD55) which serves as a co-receptor for enterovirus internalisation [23, 34]. After internalisation the enterovirus negative strand RNA is reversely transcribed into a positive strand for subsequent virus replication and spreading [12, 35] Myocardial injury is directly caused by the lytic viral infections (phase 1) or the antiviral immunity (phases 1 and 2, fig. 2).
Endogenous virus infection and reactivation
Acute parvovirus B19 (erythrovirus genotype 1, B19V) infection is a common acute childhood disease infrequently observed in adults [36]. Erythrovirus infection and replication are primarily restricted to erythroid progenitor cells in the bone marrow, but consistent with the presence of the primary erythrovirus receptor P antigen as well as its co-receptors (Integrins, KU80) on vascular endothelial cells, persistent latent infection is detected in the vascular endothelium (EC) of different organs, including the heart in which the virus has been localised in endothelial cells of venuoles, small arteries or arterioles of children and adults with fulminant myocarditis or sudden onset heart failure [3638].
In the majority of cases, latent infection is asymptomatic. If the virus becomes reactivated, transcriptional active erythrovirus is often associated with symptomatic endothelial dysfunction [7]. Cardiovascular impairment caused by erythrovirus infected endothelial cells may also explain the earlier graft loss and the premature development of advanced transplant coronary artery disease in paediatric cardiac transplant recipients [15, 16].
Human herpesvirus type 6 is another widespread latent virus infection frequently detected in endomyocarial tissue specimens (fig. 2) [14]. Clinical isolates form two genetically related but biologically distinct groups (HHV-6A and HHV-6B) which, similar to B19V, persists in >70% of the adult population after primary infection in childhood [39]. HHV6 is a lymphotropic virus which also infects various other cell types including cardiomyocytes and the vascular endothelium even though infectious virus cannot be isolated from the peripheral blood and the virus genome remains below the detection limit in these patients [4042]. Intriguingly, HHV-6 is able to integrate its genomes into telomeres of human chromosomes (ciHHV6), which allows transmission of ciHHV-6 via the germ line in about 0.4–0.8% of the US and European populations [19, 43].
Similar to the other herpes viruses, HHV-6 and ciHHV6 become frequently reactivated with subacute clinical presentations. Recently, HHV-6 has been detected in the myocardium of patients with myocarditis and clinically suspected dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) by PCR. Short-term follow-ups have revealed an association with the clinical course of the disease [14, 42].
Clinical course of acute and chronic viral heart disease
If the antiviral immunity has elaborated fast and efficiently with subsequent rapid resolution of cellular processes, residual damage of the myocardium may be minor and the remaining myocardium can compensate sufficiently for the partial loss of contractile tissue (fig. 1 and 3). Consequently, 60% to 70% of patients recover completely within 2 to 12 months with no or only minor residual clinical signs of heart injury. During or after recovery, follow-up biopsy will be consistent with healed myocarditis. Even complete recovery and inconspicuous histology, however, do not prove optimal long-term outcome, since a group of those patients will develop slowly progressive heart failure or compromising arrhythmias even after years of asymptomatic intervals [33].
Depending on the severity of initial cardiac damage, other patients may retain residual myocardial impairment. Moderate loss of contractile tissue with more pronounced remodelling of the myocardial matrix accounts for the course of those 25% to 30% of patients who only partially recover (fig. 1 and 3). In the longer run many of these patients experience progressive heart failure despite regular heart failure medication. At this time point, idiopathic DCM is diagnosed, histologically.
The resulting clinical presentation is, however, not only influenced by the severity of irreversible matrix alterations and the potential of the myocardium to compensate for these processes. It may also depend on the effects which are exerted on the cardiac tissue by a persisting lytic virus infection, virus-associated low grade inflammatory processes or autoimmune mechanisms. Under these circumstances, biopsy derived findings will be compatible with inflammatory cardiomyopathy or chronic viral heart disease, respectively (fig. 1).
The transition of myocarditis into DCM following direct virus- or immune-mediated myocardial damage is generally accepted and supported by literature [31, 32]. Continuous myocardial damage caused by persisting virus infection and/or ongoing immune processes, however, has not been proven unambiguously in human disease. A great deal of scepticism stems from the inconsistency of currently available data. This inconsistency is mostly derived from insufficiently diagnosed and inconsequently followed cohorts of patients. There are, however, a number of sound clinical reports which demonstrate that persistent viral infections directly contribute to the progression of heart failure and adverse prognosis in human disease [14, 44, 45].
Effect of virus persistence on outcome
The clinical importance of persistent enteroviral genomes in the myocardium was investigated by Why and colleagues who demonstrated a higher mortality at 25 months (25% versus 4%) in the 41 patients with persistent enteroviral infection [44].
The data reported by Frustaci et al. from a retrospective analysis of immune suppressively treated patients with inflammatory cardiomyopathy point to a similar direction [5]. In this study patients with persistent viruses did not improve or even deteriorated upon immunosuppression while virus-negative patients improved significantly. Within a short period of 9 months, 7 out of 44 treated virus-positive patients died or were transplanted. In another recent paper, Caforio and co-workers reported on a two year follow-up of patients with active (n = 85) and borderline myocarditis (n = 89) in which virus persistence was an univariate predictor of adverse prognosis, in addition to anti-heart autoantibodies and clinical signs or symptoms of left and right heart failure [30].
These data are in accordance with our own observations. When we initially followed 172 consecutive patients with left ventricular dysfunction and biopsy-proven viral infection by re-analysis of biopsies and haemodynamic measurements after a median period of seven months, viral genomes persisted in 64% of patients with single virus infections [14]. 50% of the enteroviral genomes were cleared spontaneously. Respective data for adenovirus, parvovirus B19 and herpesvirus 6 were 36%, 22% and 44%. These data on spontaneous clearance of the virus infection demonstrate that a single biopsy analysis can never prove virus persistence unambiguously.
Clearance of virus was associated with a significant decrease in left ventricular dimensions and improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction. In contrast, LV function decreased mildly during this short follow-up in patients with persistent viral genomes [46]. About five years later, 41% of the patients with enterovirus persistence had died (10 year mortality rate: 52.5%), whereas 92% of patients who spontaneously had cleared the infection where still alive after 10 years [45].
Respective data on other viruses are not available because most published data do not refer to biopsy-based virus controls and attempts to definitely prove virus persistence for the whole study period by follow-up PCR analysis have predominantly not been carried out in most studies. Since a high percentage of viral infections are cleared at early stages of myocarditis by the antiviral immune response, it is still unknown whether reported adverse prognoses have to be attributed to early and more pronounced tissue damage in initially virus-positive patients (phase 1) or whether it is caused by latent viral infections with smoldering immune processes (phases 2 and 3).
Effect of antiviral treatment on outcome
In an attempt to gain more information on this important issue, virus-positive patients with chronic cardiomyopathy (median history: 44 months) were treated with interferon-β in a non-randomised study. Upon treatment enterovirus and adenovirus clearance was successful in all treated patients [47]. Virus clearance was paralleled by a significant decrease of ventricular dimensions and clinical complaints. LV ejection fraction improved significantly in both patients with moderately and severely suppressed ventricular function. Ten year follow-up documented, in contrast to untreated patients, a significantly reduced mortality of treated patients [47].
Erythroviruses including parvovirus B19 and HHV6 are neither cleared by IFN-α nor IFN-β ([48] and unpublished data). Despite this fact, symptomatic B19V-positive patients but not untreated controls benefit from suppression of virus transcriptional activity. We recently have reported that endothelial dysfunction and respective symptoms improve upon antiviral treatment with interferon-beta (IFN-β) although the B19V virus load is barely affected [48]. The underlying mechanisms of how IFN-β delivers such beneficial clinical effects without clearing the virus substantially are unknown but cell culture analyses using infected immortalised human microvascular EC cells (HMEC-1) have shown, that IFN-β inhibits B19V reactivation and improves endothelial cell viability [48]. In B19V infected patients IFN-β reduces endothelial cell apoptosis and improves endothelial dysfunction [48]. In a recent preliminary study, the onset of advanced transplant vasculopathy was delayed in parvovirus positive children who received IVIG in addition to standard immune suppression [16, 49].
Less information is available for HHV6 and ciHHV6. Similar to B19V, HHV6 is not cleared by interferons or ganciclovir. CiHHV6 cannot be cleared due to its chromosomal integration in every cell of the body. Again, symptomatic patients with reactivated HHV6 and ciHHV6 improve symptomatically upon ganciclovir treatment [51].
The above follow-up data and treatment observations indicate that the course of the virus infection predetermines the clinical course of the disease. The data furthermore implicate that ventricular dysfunction in chronic enteroviral heart disease should not be put on a level with irreversibly damaged myocardium even in patients with a chronic history of cardiomyopathy, since haemodynamic improvement occurs in 67% of treated patients with chronic cardiomyopathy [45, 50].
With respect to the clinical management of the patients, data outlined argues for the necessity to identify patients at an early and still reversible stage of virus-associated heart disease (table 2). Depending on the infectious agent, biopsy-guided, tailored antiviral treatment may clear the infection and improve outcome, or be of symptomatic benefit if the virus is not cleared completely. Post-infectious autoimmunity should be treated by immunosuppression (table 2). One has to keep in mind, however, that only patients with still minor or moderate irreversible alterations of the heart tissue will benefit from early and specific treatment and progression of heart failure can only be prevented by in time therapy. Therefore, viral diagnostics and antiviral treatment should be started before irreversible myocardial damage has developed.


Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the cardiac muscle tissue caused by myocardial infiltration with immunocompetent cells following any kind of cardiac injury. Infectious aetiologies include a vast number of viruses, bacteria, protozoa or fungi, but most frequently the myocardial inflammatory process is directed against viral pathogens. In the early stage of the disease both the infectious trigger and the resulting immune response may already cause irreversible myocardial injuries that influence acute and long-term outcome. If the infectious agent is rapidly eliminated and the inflammatory process is resolved in a timely manner, the disease will resolve with only minor alterations of the myocardium. At this phase, the true underlying causes of the disease can no longer be identified.
Chronic myocardial injury in viral myocarditis develops if the antiviral immune response fails to eliminate the infectious agent completely or, if the inflammatory process does not resolve properly despite virus clearance. In such conditions, long-term outcome depends on the nature and extent of the virus-affected tissue compartments which varies considerably with the amount and kind of the infectious agent or the number and subtype of the smoldering cellular inflammatory infiltrates. In addition to the initial irreversible tissue alterations, persisting viruses, and post-infectious immune or autoimmune processes may induce persisting or progressive ventricular dysfunction, arrhythmias and symptomatic cardiac complaints.
Viral heart disease often presents as an acute or chronic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) but due to its broad spectrum of presentation a solely clinical diagnosis is frequently misleading. Since the pathological conditions in viral myocarditis take place at the cellular level, tissue analysis but not clinical tests are necessary to elucidate the true nature of the underlying acquired disease. If the primary infectious or immune-mediated causes of the disease are carefully defined by clinical and biopsy based tools, specific antiviral treatment options in addition to basic symptomatic therapy are available under certain conditions. This may allow a tailored cause-specific treatment that improves prognosis of patients with acute and chronic disease.
Funding / potential competing interests: Part of this work was supported by grants of the German Research Foundation (DFG), Transregional Collaborative Research Centre “Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy – Molecular Pathogenesis and Therapy” (SFB TR 19 04, Project Z1) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Germany) for KMU innovative program (No. 616 0315296). For their excellent technical assistance, we thank Mrs. K. Winter, S. Ochmann, C. Seifert, M. Willner and E. Hertel, Berlin, Germany.
Corrspondence: Professor Heinz-Peter Schultheiss, Medizinische Klinik II, Cardiology und Pneumonology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Hindenburgdamm 30, DE-12200 Berlin, Germany, heinz-peter.schultheiss[at]charite.de

03 October 2014


  • Oxford University and Belgian scientists studied virus's genetic history 
  • They claim it originated in Kinshasa, now the capital of the DR Congo
  • City was well-connected with modern railways under Belgian colonial rule
  • By 1950s, when first known case recorded, it had spread to three more cities
  • HIV, which causes AIDS, only discovered in 1983 after pandemic took hold
  • 35million people are now infected and 1.5 million died last year alone
HIV was born in a 'perfect storm' of bustling trade routes and migrant workers in 1920s central Africa, a study has claimed.
Scientists from Oxford University and Belgium analysed the genetic history behind the virus, which killed 1.5million people last year alone, and painstakingly traced it back to the city of Kinshasa.
Now the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Belgian colonial rulers had made Kinshasa a thriving trade hub with modern railways which allowed the virus to travel thousands of miles.
Melting pot: Today's HIV pandemic had its roots in 1920s Kinshasa, a study has claimed. Now the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the city (pictured in 1955 when it was called Leopoldville) had busy rail routes
Melting pot: Today's HIV pandemic had its roots in 1920s Kinshasa, a study has claimed. Now the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the city (pictured in 1955 when it was called Leopoldville) had busy rail routes
That combined with urban growth, migrant workers and changes to sexual habits and the sex trade, formed a 'perfect storm' which allowed the virus to spread unnoticed until it was too late to stop it.
The researchers combined genetic analysis with statistical data on historical factors, such as how the population of central Africa was distributed at the time.
Unlike the other strains, HIV-1 Group M proved more devastating, and is the strain which affects most of the 35million people affected around the world today.
Despite Kinshasa being a melting-pot, HIV was seemingly slow to spread beyond the city's borders.
It took as long as 30 years for it to crop up in three other cities in the vast nation - Mbuji-Mayi, Lubumbashi and Kisangani, as far as 1,000 miles away.
How times change: Kinshasa today. The virus has long since spread worldwide, killing up to 40million people
How times change: Kinshasa today. The virus has long since spread worldwide, killing up to 40million people
It stayed in the Congo - which is the size of all of western Europe combined - until spreading to the U.S. and around the world from the 1960s onwards, before the number of cases exploded in the 1980s.
Because HIV exists 'silently' before causing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), it was only identified as the virus behind the condition in 1983.
By then thousands of people had already died of AIDS-related illnesses.
Since then scientists have been engaged in a long battle to improve treatment with antiretroviral drugs, which slow the course of HIV and allow some patients to live healthily for decades. 
Deadly: HIV seen in false colour through a microscope. Only one strain turned into a pandemic
Deadly: HIV seen in false colour through a microscope. Only one strain turned into a pandemic
Thanks to their efforts and education about safe sex, AIDS deaths have slowly been declining since 2005 - when they peaked at 2.3million worldwide - to 1.5million last year. 
Professor Oliver Pybus of Oxford University, a leader of the new study in the journal Science, said it was the most comprehensive genetic analysis so far of HIV.
He said: 'For the first time, we have analysed all the available evidence using the latest phylogeographic techniques, which enable us to statistically estimate where a virus comes from.
'This means we can say with a high degree of certainty where and when the HIV pandemic originated.' 
Professor Philippe Lemey of Belgium's University of Leuven said 'it became evident that the early spread of HIV-1 from Kinshasa to other population centres followed predictable patterns.'
A key factor, he added, was the fact Belgian colonisers had made Kinshasa one of central Africa's best-connected cities.
Nuno Faria of Oxford University added: 'Data from colonial archives tells us that by the end of 1940s over one million people were traveling through Kinshasa on the railways each year. 
'We think it is likely that the social changes around the independence in 1960 saw the virus break out from small groups of infected people to infect the wider population and eventually the world'.
Since the HIV/AIDS pandemic began it has killed up to 40million people around the world. It is spread in blood, semen and breast milk, often via unsafe sex or contaminated needles.

02 October 2014

UK PRIVATE EYE #1375: Increasing Private medicine in England

from "Medicine Balls" by "MD"

"Both the Nuffield Trust & NHS England calculate that by 2021 the shortfall to NHS funding will be GBP 28bn to GBP 30bn."

"The Tory solution is to hope that enough who can afford to get fed up with the waiting and pay to go private, particularly in NHS hospitals"